Fuller's Black Cab Stout Campaign

We were tasked with delivering an engaging multi-channel campaign to bring Black Cab Stout's rescue mission to life.


With stout levels running low in pubs across the UK, Fuller's Brewery set out to make a bold statement. They were here to rescue the stout crisis with their iconic Black Cab Stout. The campaign tagline, "London To The Rescue. A Black Cab Will Never Let You Down," captured the essence of this mission.

We were tasked with delivering an engaging multi-channel campaign to bring this message to life. Here's how we did it:

Photography and Digital Advert

Using our in-house studio, we captured a striking shot of Black Cab Stout that became the centerpiece of the campaign. The creative featured the tagline, "London To The Rescue. A Black Cab Will Never Let You Down." and was adapted for various digital formats.

These assets were launched across Fuller's Brewery's social media channels, incorporated into email marketing and included in a press release. The results spoke for themselves:

406K Reach and 10.7K Reactions on Facebook alone.

AR Social Media Reel

Building on the campaign's success, we created an AR video to take the messaging to new heights - literally. The advert appeared as a banner hanging from London’s Tower Bridge.

Our creative team traveled to London to capture base footage, which served as the foundation for rendering the 3D banner using advanced object tracking and graphics software. The result was a reel posted on Fuller's Brewery's social channels, amplifying engagement and excitement.

Influencer Collaboration: Thomas Skinner

To reinforce the campaign's reach, Fuller's Brewery partnered with Thomas Skinner. A television personality and social media star with a massive following. We leveraged this collaboration by creating content that aligned with the campaign's narrative.

Our team spent a day filming with Tom, capturing his mission to "rescue" London by keeping the stout flowing. The content, shared as a collaboration between @iamtomskinner and @fullersbrewery achieved amazing results:

759K Reach on Instagram (and counting).


To drive the campaign's call-to-action, we developed a dedicated microsite, (blackcabstout.co.uk) designed to seamlessly align with the campaign's visuals. Key features included:

  • A history of Black Cab Stout
  • Embedded YouTube video showcasing the collaboration with Thomas Skinner
  • A pub finder map
  • Competition sign-up form
  • "Become a Stockist" form

In the first month from launch, the site received 9000+ views and 2,500+ form completions.

Screen-Printed Staff T-Shirts

To reinforce brand presence in pubs, we designed and produced screen printed t-shirts for bar staff serving Black Cab Stout throughout the campaign.

Branded Mobile Bar Panels

To ensure consistency across all touchpoints, we designed and reformatted mobile bar panels to align seamlessly with the wider campaign look and feel.

Stadium LED Board Animations

To bring Black Cab Stout to the big stage, we created dynamic LED board animations for football and rugby stadiums. These featured an animated black cab, seamlessly transitioning between key campaign messages while heroing the main pint photography used across all materials.


The campaign provided a prime opportunity to capture first-party data. The microsite's competition forms allowed users to enter for a chance to win exclusive prizes, driving email marketing signups and expanding the Fuller's Brewery customer base.


Through strategic execution across multiple channels, the Black Cab Stout campaign not only rescued the stout supply crisis but also achieved significant brand engagement and growth for Fuller's Brewery.